The Galatian church was a fantastic expression of the Christian faith. The Galatians lived freely in the Spirit of God, but something went wrong.  They were convinced they needed to follow the LAW or Torah to live abundantly.  Paul tells them what they have done is actually enslave themselves.  You are going backward.  

St. Paul's message is clear: our faith should always be moving forward and growing. So, I want to reiterate a fundamental truth: God is not to be feared but loved. Paul echoes this sentiment in Romans, saying, "For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." Romans 8:15.  

Right now, you have a God that loves you.  So cry Abba, Father!  You have a God that has forgiven you and adopted you into a new family.  A jury trial does not await you, but a Father who loves you more than life itself.  So much so that He gave Himself so that you might live.  

So don't be afraid of your God.  Don't be scared of death.  Don't be afraid of a body that might fail.  Don't be scared of anything.  In Christ, your sins are forgiven, and the only thing that God wants for you now is to feel His love and presence.  Then, eventually, when we die, we will enjoy something else that is pretty neat…a celebration in heaven for you…and then we will all ask ourselves, "Why was I ever afraid of this!?"  
As you go about your day, remember this: God loves YOU!  Live your day in the light of this truth!

Stay Passionate, Stay Strong!
Rev. Jim

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